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#Quake meaning tv
It does not only give you English toNepali and Nepali to English word meaning, it provides English to English word meaning along with Antonyms, Synonyms, Examples, Related words and Examples from your favorite TV Shows. This dictionary has the largest database for word meaning. This is not just an ordinary English to Nepali dictionary & Nepali to English dictionary. (16) The branches quaked violently and the leaves were flattened and torn free and scattered across the grass. (15) The media spoke rapturously of the ÔÇÿcolumn of steelÔÇÖ that was moving north at breakneck speed, of the earth quaking beneath the weight of the treads of mighty tanks driving forward relentlessly. (14) By this time I was literally quaking in my Reeboks, certain that at any moment the gum chewer, with a dismissive click of his fingers, would signal to those two soldiers to take me away.

(13) At numerous points along their line smaller quakes and aftershocks were taking place, adding to the tsunamis rippling out. (11) What is it about religion that leaves people quaking in their otherwise creative shoes? (12) Politicians quaked at the thought of antagonising him and he was in just about every way the ÔÇÿmessiahÔÇÖ the people dream of to turn the system on its head. (10) Among those, however, are what are known as killer quakes - earthquakes whose magnitude is great enough to destroy buildings, roads and lives. (9) Four soldiers charge at Gallahad, he then looks at the ground and the Earth starts to quake making the soliders go flying everywhere. (8) This softly spoken woman, barely over five feet tall, can make grown men quake. (7) Technicians misread critical monitors, and the core of the plant begins to tremble and quake. (6) I don't think writers should be this godlike figure who reads from a podium and signs books while their fans quake before their greatness. (4) The mountains quake before him, the hills melt the earth is laid waste before him, the world and all that dwell thereinÔǪ (5) Up on the moors, Baildon Golf Club's members start playing the second hole on top of a huge rocky bank that makes novice players quake in their golf shoes. (2) a big quake east of the Rocky Mountains (3) All three of them went tumbling to the floor as the very foundation they were on began to quake violently. (1) But just as she was about to strike, the ground began to tremble and quake, knocking her off-balance, but she managed to regain her footing.